5 reasons to invest in double glazing for your home

double glazing for your home

Some people still ask why double glazing is a good idea for any home. There are many reasons why it’s an excellent idea to install double glazing, from improved heat retention to easy maintenance. Read on to explore why double glazing is always a good idea for any home.

Noise insulation

The first obvious benefit is improved sound insulation. You will find street noise significantly reduced, and in some cases, eradicated, by double glazing. This means that voices and music will be easier to hear inside your home. Neighbours’ noise will also be reduced and you will find sleeping much easier, especially for weekend lie-ins!

Heat retention

Double glazing can reduce noise, but it can also stop heat loss from your home. This means you can set the thermostat lower on your heating and save money. The extra pane of glass acts as an insulator to prevent heat escaping your home, which is especially useful in winter.

Easy maintenance

Double glazing makes windows easy to clean. You can use standard glass cleaner to wipe them down and cleanse with soapy water. You can enjoy shiny windows for many years with double glazing, while dated windows get dirty and misty much more quickly. Double glazing is also easy to install, by experts in windows and doors in Dublin and other cities. You can find expert glass specialists online, such as www.keanewindows.ie/, to install double glazing quickly and without fuss.

Reduced condensation

Another problem with dated windows is they attract condensation. Double glazing attracts much less condensation due to their heat retention properties, meaning temperatures remain more constant inside. The risk of cold and hot air meeting on the inside pane of glass is significantly reduced with modern double glazing, so condensation is less of a problem.

This is good news, because condensation can cause damp and stale smells. The problem of condensation can be a particular concern in kitchens and bathrooms. Many people open the window to release moisture and protect wallpaper, but with double glazing, this would be less necessary.


Double glazing is hard-wearing and durable. Single pane windows can be weak, whereas double panes are much stronger. Double glazing also normally comes with a 20 year guarantee, and that gives you peace of mind that they will last a long time.

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