An ultimate guide to brick slips

brick slips

Brick slips are an alternative to real bricks, as we know. Brick slips are the best way to get the traditional finish on the exterior or inside of the home. If your wall does not take bricks because it does not support them, or there are space issues, then brick slips come into role. 

It is good to use brick slips to add the brick walls, like finishing a room, like a bathroom or kitchen. In fact, brick slips are the best choice for those who have buildings with extensions and made up of timber frames. In this guide, we are going to tell you about brick slips, how they are made, their thickness, and many more. 

What are brick slips?

A brick slip is a thin brick slice that is made in the way or cut from the phase of full brick. It is referred to as the face of the full brick that makes the tile. This tile is called brick slips. Brick slips give you a look without the structure of full bricks. Brick slips give you the opportunity for seamless transitions between sizes without compromising cleaning with various materials. 

How brick slips are made

Brick slips are considered cladding alternatives and are made in two ways 

  • The sliced face of standard-size bricks that is commonly available 
  • Fired in ovens, as the standard bricks 

The fired brick slips are cheaper, but the finish range of these bricks is limited. 

Thickness of brick slips 

Brick slips are 20-22mm thick bricks that are cut from the face of full-size bricks. They are thin, 10mm after being molded. The difference between the standard-size bricks and brick slips is twofold. It is cut from breakage and comes as 22mm thin brick slips. The texture and crease of brick slips have come from full bricks. Brick slips are thinned, which means it has less weight. This factor makes the brick slips best to use for renovating a home. 

Pros of using brick slips

Brick slips are used on walls where the standard brick design is desired. But, the traditional bricks used do not work on walls. So here the role of brick slips comes. It is easily fixed on walls, even if there is no support from conventional bricks. In fact, if you do not have enough space to renovate your home, then you can easily use brick slips. 

Brick slips are lighter than standard-size bricks, so they do not need the depth foundations and save you money. If you do not require deep foundations to support your wall, then brick slips are the best option to choose. 

Moreover, brick slips give the unique opportunity for not possible information in brick houses. It is not constructed with bricks normally. Due to this, brick slips are used for interior walls in bathrooms and kitchens and accomplish the brick fireplace ideas without taking up huge space in existing rooms. 


Specialists use brick slips, and many people use these bricks to renovate their homes. There is a limited range of insulated cladding systems offered by brick slips. 

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